Partnership Activities at the Church Centre

  • Southdown Little Stars (Toddler Group)

    The Toddler Group is led by Partnership Layworker Hanna Bevan and provides a structured session, with free play, craft activities, singing and snack time. During the summer months there is provision for outdoor play in a secure garden with sandpit and a children’s playhouse.

    Any parents, grandparents or carers are welcome to come along with children from babies until they start school.

    A voluntary donation of £1.50 per session towards expenses is welcomed.

    Dates & Times

    User Day of Week User Time
    Wednesday 9:30am - 11:00am
  • Thursday Lunch

    The coffee and lunch is for anyone in the community, especially those who live alone or have difficulty in getting out. People of any age are welcome. Transport is available free of charge on request.

    The two course meals are good and inexpensive – £5.00

    The church hall is open from 10.30 am for coffee or tea and there is an opportunity to browse in the Southdown Community Charity Shop whilst waiting for lunch.

    For those who wish to join us there will be short seasonal worship services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter after lunch.

    Dates & Times

    User Day of Week User Time
    Thursday 10:30am - 1:00pm
  • Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

    The Church Centre is available for baptisms, weddings and funerals. If you would like more information please contact:

    Deacon Elizabeth Harfleet
    Tel: 01225 462426


    Bath Methodist Church

  • SpaceHoppers (Dads’ Group)

    Every 3rd Saturday of the month this group offers a chance for dads and male carers to spend quality time with their young children aged 0-7 years. A range of play equipment is provided – footballs and goal nets, Lego, role play construction, hi vis, hard hats, toddler play gym and much more – plus bacon sandwiches for the grown ups and toast and jam for children all for £2 per family.
    3rd Saturday of the month 9.30am – 11am

  • Southdown Community Charity Shop

    The Southdown Community Charity Shop is a not for profit shop selling household items, books and clothing for children, women and men at low prices. All items are of good quality. The shop is situated just inside the main entrance to the Church Centre.

    The aim of the shop is to support the people of the area, which is why all profits are returned to support community activities at the Church Centre. Donations of good quality items are welcomed. If you have a couple of hours to spare and would like to volunteer with us please contact Deacon Elizabeth Harfleet: or Tel: 01225 462426


    Dates & Times

    User Day of Week User Time
    Monday 10am - 4pm
    Tuesday 10am - 1pm
    Wednesday 10am - 1pm
    Thursday 10am - 12noon
    Friday 10am - 4pm
    First Saturday of the Month Saturday 10am - 1pm